Über uns

Digitale Zukunft im Commerce

Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse an unserem Unternehmen und unserem Team. 

Mit Ausrichtung auf Schlüsselziele, Zufriedenheit der Mitarbeiter und Kunden, mit unserem Knowhow und praktischer Erfahrung, sind wir Ihr strategischer Partner für die Zukunft Ihres Unternehmens.


Aufbau und Führung von Teams im Bereich Technologie IT DevOps, Marketing und Logistik nach Kanban und OKR-Verfahren. Strategische Ausrichtung im Bereich Shops, Marktplätze und Internationalisierung (DE, EU und Nord-Amerika). Optimierung von Back-Office-Abläufen und Buchhaltungs-Prozessen. Mehr als 12 Jahre praktische Erfahrung in der Entwicklung und E-Commerce-Lösungen: Shopsysteme (Shopware 6, JTL-Shop, Shopify und weitere),  ERP-Systeme, PIM-Systeme (PIMCore), CRM-Systeme, Warehouse-Management-Systeme, kundenzentrierte Eigenentwicklung webbasierender Systeme, API- und Middleware-Lösungen. 

Erfahrungen im Bereich der Softwareentwicklung auf Basis von Frameworks (Docker, PHP, Symfony, JS, Vue und weitere) und Datenbanken (SQL, NoSQL, BiqQuery), Cloud-Infrastruktur und BI, Systeme von Amazon Seller,  Alphabet (Google Search-Console, Google Analytics, Google Merchant Center und Google Adwords) und Social Media Marketing, insbesondere Facebook (Facebook Ads, Pixel und Dynamic Remarketing), Instagram inkl. Shopping und Pinterest.

Und viele Ideen und begeisterte Mitarbeiter für Ihre Projekte.

Ihre Ansprechpartner

Alexander Diesendorf

Strategie und TechnologieView Profile

Chicago, IL – Mr. Callaway was formerly the director of the Strategic Planning department of the world’s oldest franchise development firm, Francorp. In his role, as head of the department, he drafted and managed strategic business plans for franchising companies. He also conducted franchise feasibility studies, industry surveys, prototype development plans, and strategic analyses. As member of the Executive Board of Francorp International, Mr. Callaway was responsible for all strategic planning initiatives engaged by the Strategic Planning Departments of the 30-country network of Francorp offices.

Currently, Mr. Callaway has extensive influence in the decisions garnered by the Strategic Planning Department at Franchise Marketing Systems, as well as other departments where efficiencies are supplementary. After retaining a degree in Economics from Illinois College, Mr. Callaway received his MBA from Northern Illinois University with a focus in Entrepreneurship. Mr. Callaway has worked with major executives and companies such as former McDonald’s CEO, Ed Rensi, Founder of Gildan Activewear, Greg Chamandy, and Hershey Foods Director of New Product Development, Curt Robinson, among other business owners and CEOs. Mr. Callaway has traveled throughout North America to help facilitate the franchise goals of his diverse client-base, with specialty in retail. Previously, Mr. Callaway was Store Manager at a prominent retail chain accountable for nearly 100 employees.

Mr. Callaway is an expert in strategic planning, franchisor organizational design, royalty and franchise fee pricing strategy, managerial decision-making, and technical marketing issues. He is a skilled researcher with extensive experience in web-based applications as well as database management.

Josef Rupp

Digitaler HandelView Profile

Chicago, IL – Mr. Callaway was formerly the director of the Strategic Planning department of the world’s oldest franchise development firm, Francorp. In his role, as head of the department, he drafted and managed strategic business plans for franchising companies. He also conducted franchise feasibility studies, industry surveys, prototype development plans, and strategic analyses. As member of the Executive Board of Francorp International, Mr. Callaway was responsible for all strategic planning initiatives engaged by the Strategic Planning Departments of the 30-country network of Francorp offices.

Currently, Mr. Callaway has extensive influence in the decisions garnered by the Strategic Planning Department at Franchise Marketing Systems, as well as other departments where efficiencies are supplementary. After retaining a degree in Economics from Illinois College, Mr. Callaway received his MBA from Northern Illinois University with a focus in Entrepreneurship. Mr. Callaway has worked with major executives and companies such as former McDonald’s CEO, Ed Rensi, Founder of Gildan Activewear, Greg Chamandy, and Hershey Foods Director of New Product Development, Curt Robinson, among other business owners and CEOs. Mr. Callaway has traveled throughout North America to help facilitate the franchise goals of his diverse client-base, with specialty in retail. Previously, Mr. Callaway was Store Manager at a prominent retail chain accountable for nearly 100 employees.

Mr. Callaway is an expert in strategic planning, franchisor organizational design, royalty and franchise fee pricing strategy, managerial decision-making, and technical marketing issues. He is a skilled researcher with extensive experience in web-based applications as well as database management.

Unsere Zielgruppe und Zusammenarbeit

Wir arbeiten insbesondere für Brands und Unternehmen mit 50-1000 Mitarbeiter bzw. mit einem Jahresumsatz von 20.000.000 – 100.000.000 EUR. Ebenso betreuen wir aufstrebende Start-Ups und Unternehmen im Prozess der digitalen Transformation und Weiterentwicklung. 

Mit unserer Ausrichtung auf Business Development, Operatives Management und insbesondere auf Technologie und Softwareentwicklung im Commerce-Bereich, sorgen wir für nachhaltige Strategieentwicklung, Zielfokussierung, unternehmensinternen Teamaufbau und agile Umsetzung von Technologie-Projekten.